I’ll be at FDIC in Indianapolis all next week sketching and signing autographs. I will also be signing complimentary, limited edition, anniversary prints at the Fire Engineering booth. As soon as I know specific dates and times, I’ll post them here.

Hope to see you there!!!

Fight Is NOT Over!

On the eve of next month’s ICC Code hearing in Dallas, it seemed only appropriate to opine about our continuing fight for residential sprinklers in ALL new homes. The National Assoc. of Home Builders (NAHB) has been working hard to undermine the ICC’s earlier ruling (BIG money talks, folks) and we must show up in force to reaffirm our hard earned success in Minneapolis and Baltimore. If you are not familiar with this very important issue, please research and learn more. There have been many fabulous articles written (especially by my dear friend Ozzie Mirkhah) – just Google the subject, there will be no shortage of fodder.
The fight is not over!!