
Because bad things still happen. Train hard on tactics, techniques, building construction, the science of fire behavior… but be prepared as you can for when it all goes south. As Chief Jim Crawford says, “No one is coming to save us, but us!”

STAY FIRED UP, and train, train, train!

To see more Drawn By Fire cartoons or to purchase prints, go to:


NEW Fire Engineering magazine cartoon: Hard Lesson to Learn.

In the world of firehouse life there are a select few who have elevated the art of complaining to Mount Everest proportions. In fact, they are so skilled at whining and grumbling that they most certainly could win Gold if there was ever a Gripe Olympics! What’s worse, it’s remarkably easy to be pulled down into their pit of despair and backstabbing – adding to the already murky water of apathy. Can you imagine what these folks could accomplish if all that negative energy was applied to something, anything constructive?! There’s enough negativity and criticizing in ever facet of public and private life without you adding to the frenzy.

STAY FIRED UP, and train harder at training, not whining!


To see more Drawn By Fire cartoons or to purchase prints, go to: