
“If we encounter a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he reads.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

I am a reader – I have been since my days as a child staying up past midnight reading comic books. Why, because my mom was a reader and knew the value of learning new things and going on the wild adventures that only reading can take you on.

Now, I’m sure to get plenty of eye-rolls and “fan mail” from this one, but the simple truth is, no matter how intoxicating social media, YouTube, and movies/TV can be, there’s no substitute for reading to expand your mind and horizons. So, please, whether it’s an actual book or tablet, read at least one hour every day. Your brain will thank you!

“I cannot imagine a worse fate than not being a reader, not having that ignition to new thoughts, idea, opinions and self-discovery. Reading allows one to do what we all should be devoted to doing every day that is simply trying to be a better person than we were yesterday.”  – Chief Bobby Halton (ret), Editor in Chief Fire Engineering Magazine

“I will always remember this; my Dad always said ‘Readers are Leaders’” – Captain Mike Duggan (ret), Fire Department New York

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss

So, what are you reading?

STAY FIRED UP, and turn a few pages every day.


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Psalm, 133:1 “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!”

Crew unity provides members with a sense of cohesion and confidence during calls, and a natural support network when returning to, or at, the fire station. A close crew is one whose members share a strong bond, loyalty, and commitment to each other and the department. Simply put, having strong social ties to unit members and leaders supports a unit’s readiness and overall morale.

The level of connection, trust and support that members have in their unit is the best predictor on how well stressors are handled, too. As a crew leader, you play an important role in your unit by guiding and encouraging your members as well as leading by example. Crew unity is priceless, and it’s worth the effort to strengthen those bonds at every opportunity.

STAY FIRED UP, and stay together!


To see more Drawn By Fire, go to:




NEW PRINT – Vigilant
Inspired by my 2018 FDIC poster, I am now offering the illustration as a limited edition print of only 100.
16×20″ Signed and Numbered
$65.00 (Plus S&H)
Plus: If ordered before June 11th, I will include a popular signed 8×10″ Vigilant mini print.
Click here for more info:



Here’s my editorial cartoon for the last print edition of FireRescue Magazine. As all great things must come to an end, so does this influential magazine with its rich tradition and history. It’s been an honor to have my cartoons within its pages for the past four years! Sad to see the print edition end, but with all things, hope springs eternal for a new direction. Onward…

To see more Drawn By Fire, go to:
